First, I got a new computer (yippy!!) It's an el-cheapo (Emachine) but it will work until I can afford a better model, I hope. I also splurged for Office 2010, and I will explain why in a minute.
It seems I have 3 more doctor appointments (I didn't know about the 3rd one until this morning) I have to go to, and that means I will be here in the Pacific Northwest for at least 2 more months, one for the appointments and one waiting (it's all I seem to do anymore, wait...) for the reports the doctors are to write. There was a few days I had to double my Prozac when I learned about this delay. My whole point in wanting to move now was so I could (1) avoid the snow in the mountains and (2) register for the winter classes in Nevada, but it seems Workman's Comp has other ideas, again.
So I am considering a small move to Vancouver, WA. It's a larger town than the one I live in now and just across the river from Portland, OR. There should be more opportunity for a job, even a minimum wage job, there than here, at least until the spring thaw. Unless we have a very warm winter with little snow in the mountains but I doubt it. My daughter just moved up here with me to help me move and I may try it but I will have to see how bad the weather is when the time comes.
I have been crazy out of my mind, another Halloween and Christmas away from all my grand kids. I feel like the time is slipping away from me and before I know it, I am going to miss the best part of their lives. I know that's a bit silly, being a part of their lives, any part, is important....I just miss them terribly. And I am sick of living out of a box. Seriously!! Not to mention the utter boredom.
So for the last couple of weeks, without a TV, news of any kind, radio, job, I have been making rugs. I have made myself work for 8 hours every day and I have made 3 rugs and 2 pillows. I haven't finished them, I will this week, but the really good news is that I have found a way to make them that isn't as expensive as the kits; I can use my own designs and maybe sell them. So I have found something I can do to pass the time that is constructive. I'm also considering buying a sewing machine to make blankets to sell.
I splurged on Office 2010 because I am going to teach myself Excel and Word and PowerPoint (and whatever else is on here) just as soon as I learn this Windows 7 ( ha ha ha!!) I know all of these programs in the very old versions (except for PowerPoint) but I need to know these things so I can put that on my resume. Regardless of whether or not I look for a job up here or in NV I will need to know how to use them so I am going to use my time on learning all these new programs.
And I have given myself a due date. If I am still here on December 15, I will move to Vancouver. I also have to know these programs inside and out by then. So this should be fun. But for today I have some catching up to do in the election!! I wonder, has anything changed or is it like a bad soap opera?? Let's find out!
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